4.WHY “Blue Way Studies” Events

The question often arises “WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO”

In any worthwhile purpose, say in this case where new, obscure, lost, hidden information enhances the givers life and that of a recipient and after much success there is an automatic motivation “of not being able to do anything else” not in the classic sense but that which regenerative, new etc..

Apart from the fact that in the writers early childhood surroundings the subject matters were always interesting, it meant that even minimally the “doing” has always been there in some way. However, later in life these areas were enhanced incredibly, therefore  meeting advanced knowledge of the same & similar and new subjects. meant an upgrade of the former. THE POINT THEREFORE THAT ONES LIFE HAS ALWAYS BEEN involved. So the giving is a “Natural law” enactment where any place, venue, person, event that promotes this pocess is to be welcomed.

The ability, the facility to be able to say NO to what one sees to be wrong whilst finding solace in learning, sharing subjects that have always been useful, important, in their own standing and the ability to use them is itself a great facility.

The Blue Way Group will be present at many events throughout the year. Below are some examples of past and Future events, lecture and workshop type of meetings which may also be found when scheduled as above, below or on the “Meetings” page.

These Events can be in the form of Open meetings of Lectures, reading sessions of the Divinatory Arts at various fairs eg. Mind, Body Spirit type fairs around the country where there is an interest in any of the [few listed ] subjects below of an Esoteric, Occult, mystical nature etc, exploring  reasons regarding Human purpose, subjects as mentioned including workshops as per info. given on this site. Offered are  Psychic “Readings” of Taro, Palms, Astrology, Psychometry, Numerology, Detection, Auras [using the eyes],Graphology” etc., available also is  “Healing” which does not require a bed, couch or Physical contact with the recipient.

Various “Merlin” type garments for the Medieval occasions has been used as is the way for “Participants”.  The present picture is of a past event at the Hertsmonceux Medieval Fair, E Sussex.                            

Tarot ReadingTarot ReaderTarot Reading

The BLUEWAY is particularly grateful to those who have regularly returned saying “Thanks” for the help received. It is also notable to this writer that many people after just one session have been able to get memorable results and are pleased enough to return saying thanks.

FLORIDA OPEN DAY, A SCENE DEPICTING  AN ANCIENT  EGYPT EVENT. The full version of the music on the video below is entitled the “Passing Chimes”., can be purchased from I tunes, Amazon  and other leading outlets. It is from the CD “Medieval Moments” 

The “Statement”  by the “Pharoah” is attributed to KING ACHTHOES II [Approx.2100 BC] of EGYPT by Egyptologists.  However it was known in real Ancient times, predating the Flood, back to at least when  higher than “Human” as it’s commonly accepted to be today ruled, that hypocrisy was seen as a “crime” as “crimes” as known today did not exist.



Some information,eg, next two paragraphs, are for those already knowledgeable in certain subjects of the “Bluewaystudies”.

Interesting word “Original” as is related to certain knowledge which here is understood also by many others as in the beginning of all ages rather than a stage in the procession of an age. Words relating to this particular knowledge is  as follows:- Genro  from Goen[E] e repeated is shown by R.  1st. people on/of earth, a first model ? Expressions include the Motherly aspect at a level known as the “Gemrod” The person shown in the clip below can have a “SILVER” Hue in its directional approach, GOLD as seen in its passing in the succeeding clip ie., [After the one immediately below]

Many people claim descent from some kind of an Animal, even insect, be it Ape, Monkey, Gorilla, Amoeba etc.. “Scientists & Theologians”  have argued their view for a long time.

The “Bluewaystudies” includes the knowledge that  “Human” Origin is Star level as this one example shows. There are of course many star systems in any of the many universes.

The “BLUE ROSES OF FORGETFULNESS”  Is an important  part of a healing routine. With the necessary music, movement [dancing both optional] is  well known for having the required results. Thus a dance, stance & attitude contribute to results and can also be dependent on the receptivity of the listener as  to the level of stock & subsequent connection.  A useful tool  with the fool, the kind or hostile.

There are on going meetings of the “bluewaystudies” group in Tonbridge, Kent.

It is reiterated that whilst  respecting, upholding other participants/groups/disciplines rights at PSYCHIC FAIRS etc., The  BLUEWAY has a unique approach to any subject of the same name that is offered within any Venue.         

THIS YEAR 2025=9. (i.e.) Card No. 5 +Emperor [4] gives 9 in Numerology. The Planetary Lineups has significance in this respect.



    8.THE JUSTICE CARD.    The Guardian of the way in Medieval times, dressed for his time since Justice is for all times.
With activity where many people have been demanding at least their idea of justice over many years, there is “JUSTICE” in its actual meaning vs. the individuals idea, which can be fatal for the individuals involved. Thus in 2024 for the year  & the individual, i.e.=[2024]=8 Total..    A beginner in this work is thus advised  that should they  fly too high  & out of time they’re liable to be “burnt” by the SUN. [As known in  true deep Esoteric & Occult worlds].Card 8 of the “FROWN STRONG” Pack

FAIRS  in 2025 and other public engagements.        

SUN. 5th Jan: 11:00 am -5pm.  Denbies Wine Estate, Bradley Ln, Dorking  Surrey RH5 6AA          CANCELLED FOR SUN 26th, Jan: 11:00 am -5pm.   Worplesdon Memorial Hall, GU3 3RF Surrey 

FEB.2nd.11-5, Psychic Fair, Denbies Wine Estate,Bradley Lane, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6AA                Feb.18th.SUN,11 -5pm.Psychic Fair,SHERE Village Hall,Gomshall Lane,Shere.GU5 9HE Surrey 

 SUN. FEB, 23rd, 11-5pm. Farnborough’s Psychic & Natural Therapy Fayre, 

MAR.2ND.,10-3 pm,Psychic/Holistic Fair,Alton Community Centre,Amery st. Hants.GU34 1HN 

SUN.9th, MAR. 10 -3pm, LAKE HOUSE, Maidstone Rd.,Hothfield, Ashford TN26 1AR. Kent              SUN.MAR.16th. 11-5 pm. Crowne Plaza hotel felbridge.London Rd,East Grinstead RH19 2BH

APRIL 6th,TBC.Sun. 9am-4pm,LONG MELFORD WELLNESS FAIR, Long Melford old School.CO10 9DX, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, UK     www.Thorogoods.co.uk

TBC Sun 6th.11-5, Psychic Fair, Denbies Wine Estate,Bradley Lane, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6AA    

SUNDAY, 13th APRIL 11 -5pm.The Henfield Hall, Coopers Way, Henfield BN5 9EQ W. Sussex. .              TBC.?….Sunday  April 2025. 11:00am – 5:00pm. Frimley’s Psychic & Natural Therapy Fayre, Frimley Community Centre, Balmoral Drive, Frimley, Camberley,   Surrey GU16 9AR 

SUN.MAY 11th,  10 -3pm, LAKE HOUSE, Maidstone Rd.,Hothfield, Ashford TN26 1AR. Kent                                  

TBC JUNE 8th/9, 10-5 pm. KENT Wellnss Fest. Detling Showground,M/S.                                                   or 8th, Crowne Plaza hotel felbridge. London Rd, East Grinstead RH19 2BH                                         JUN, 29th,10-3 pm,Psychic/Holistic Fair,Alton Community Centre,Amery st. Hants.GU34 1HN 

TBC.JUNE, SAT.,14th,SUN 15th, NORWICH, SAINT Andrews halls.       

 JUN, 29th,10-3 pm,Psychic/Holistic Fair,Alton Community Centre,Amery st. Hants.GU34 1HN                  TBC.SUN. June ROYAL FARNHAM VILLAGE HALL, Farnham Lane, Bucks.  SL2 3AX

TBC.. JULY. 13th..SUN.10 -3pm, LAKE HOUSE, Maidstone Rd.,Hothfield, Ashford TN26 1AR. Kent         

AUGUST. Medieval/Festival/Fair, The King’s Grove, Pippingford, East Sussex.  AUGUST, BANK HOLIDAY, 2025. An International Event which features enactors from all over the world.                                                                                                        www.EnglandsMedievalFestival.com

TBC..SUN. SEPT 8th.Psychic Fair,  LONG MELFORD WELLNESS FAIR,  SUN.   9am – 4pm.  Long Melford old School.CO10 9DX, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, UK          www.Thorogoods.co.uk

SUN. SEPT. 28th. 11-5 pm. Crowne Plaza hotel felbridge. London Rd, East Grinstead RH19 2BH.

SUN. OCT. 13th, 11- 5pm, Psychic Fair, Byfleet Village Hall, 54 High Rd. West Byfleet, KT 14 7QL

TBC. Sunday  OCT.  11:00am – 5:00pm.  Frimley’s Psychic & Natural Therapy, Fayre,                                                            Frimley Community Centre, Balmoral Drive, Frimley, Camberley  Surrey GU16 9AR   


Nov. Sun.16th. Crowne Plaza hotel felbridge. London Rd, East Grinstead RH19 2BH

OTHER SITES…….{No affiliation} below or other sites which may be used solely for advertising.
